Caught on Camera: Video Reveals FAZ Forever Associates Zimbabwe Engaging in Illegal Acts at Polling Station
Watch, one of the FAZ Forever Associates Zimbabwe tables being captured on video, revealing their illegal acts near a polling station. The footage shows a police officer questioning the individuals about their presence within the 300-meter radius.
Recording Voter Information
The alleged Sabhuku Mandiwa, the leader at the table, admitted that they were recording the names and ID numbers of voters. However, the police officer promptly reminded them of the constitutional provisions regarding campaigning on election day.
According to the Zimbabwean constitution, political parties are strictly prohibited from conducting campaigns or holding rallies on the day of the elections. Moreover, they are forbidden from promoting their parties within a 300-meter radius of any polling station.
Controversies Surrounding FAZ
FAZ faced criticism when it was first registered, with opposition member Tendai Biti from the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) accusing the association of hijacking the voters’ roll inspection exercise. Reports suggest that FAZ demands proof of Zanu PF membership from prospective voters at ZEC inspection centers.
Additionally, FAZ allegedly disrupted Zanu PF primary elections, resulting in the defeat of prominent party members during the internal plebiscite.
Concerns Raised by Tendai Biti
Tendai Biti voiced concerns and urged Defense Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri to reveal FAZ’s identity. Biti was astonished by FAZ’s widespread presence, calling them a “creature” at polling stations. He questioned their connection to the intelligence service, highlighting the difference from the official authority.
Biti demanded answers about FAZ’s meddling in voters’ roll inspection and Zanu PF primary elections. He cautioned against parallel structures, chaos, and potential military coups, reported NewZimbabwe.