ZINARA finance director Taranhike arrested

Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA) finance director Simon Taranhike was arrested on Monday, Zim Morning Post can reveal.

This publication understands  that Taranhike was picked up by the Criminal Investigation Department  Special Anti- Corruption Unit in the Office of the President  and is currently being held for questioning.

He is being charged for criminal abuse of office and attempts to conceal corruption.

Impeccable sources told this publication that Taranhike  is  one of the ZINARA bosses who were under  investigation for attempts to conceal corruption through media blackouts among other methods.

“He (Taranhike) is one of the bosses at ZINARA who were trying to conceal corruption and he was picked by the Criminal Investigation Department yesterday and as we speak he is being taken to the Special Anti-Corruption   Unit in the Office of the President ” revealed an insider.

His Lawyer Purity Chikangaise  could neither confirm nor deny the development when contacted for a comment on Tuesday morning.

“I cannot comment now, phones are restricted here, can you call me after an hour,” said Chikangaise.

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