NGO boss faces kidnapping charges

MUTARE – A director at the Diocese Of Mutare Community Care Programme (DOMCCP), Robert Munhenga, has appeared at Mutare Magistrates’ Courts facing charges of kidnapping a female intern at a local hotel.

Munhenga, 53, on Wednesday appeared before Magistrate Audrey Muzhingi and was remanded out of custody to October 8 on ZLW$3 000 bail.

It is the State’s case that on August 31, Munhenga who was at a local hotel unlawfully and intentionally deprived the complainant, Faith Kamusono (22), who is an intern at DOMCCP of her freedom of bodily movement by locking her in her hotel room for 20 minutes.

It is alleged that Munhenga saw Kamusono in her room with one Ian Munhungewarwa, a co-worker who he suspected of having an affair with the woman and reminded her that he had once warned her about her behaviour.

It is reported that Kamusono then removed the room keys from the back of the door and locked the door before going away.

He returned after 20 minutes and unlocked the door.

Kamusono immediately made a police report, leading to Munhenga’s arrest.