President Emerson Mnangagwa made a reshuffle in his cabinet on Tuesday where under fire Minister Jorum Gumbo was removed from the Ministry of Energy and Power development to work in the office of the President as the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in charge of Policy Implementation and monitoring which analysts believe it is a demotion
Gumbo is being replaced by Fortune Chasi, the Ministry of Energy is believed to be infested by cartels, corruption and an ongoing fuel crisis amongst other myriad of problems.
Political commentator Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya however feels Gumbo has no place in Government.
“Jorum Gumbo should not just be removed from Energy Ministry and appointed into a fake ministry of Monitoring etc, he should be totally removed anywhere near public office and investigated over ZINARA etc. Ruhanya wrote on the micro blogging site twitter.
Gumbo is also being implicated in Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ) scandal.
David Chaota and former Minister of Transport Jorum Gumbo snubbed the board in making critical decisions in appointing Indra Sistemas from Spain.
The 2016 board minutes seen by the Zim Morning Post indicate that Gumbo and Chaota awarded a tender to Indra Sistemas, a company registered in Spain against the board’s decision and the supreme court ruling.
The CAAZ issue has spilled into the courts and Presidential Anti Corruption Unit is also investigating some of the dealing which happened at CAAZ.
However Political analysts Netsai Marova said that Gumbo’s past is now haunting him and he should not be anyway near power.
“Gumbo’s past is now haunting him ,look at what he did in the Ministry of Transport and what he was doing in the Ministry of Energy and Power Development, the old man is not competent,” said Marova
Another analyst Emmanuel Mushonga believes that Advocate Fortune chasi will turn the tables in the Ministry of Energy and Power Developnment
“I think Mr (Fortune) Chasi will be able to normalise the situation , he seems to be very competent compared to Mr (Jorum) Gumbo, the truth some Ministers just don’t have common sense and are corrupt to the bone,” said Emmanuel Mushonga a student studying Economics.