Five strokes for protesting teen

A Harare Magistrate has sentenced a 16-year-old minor to five strong strokes with the police cane for public violence after his arrest during the January 14 demonstrations that rocked the country last month.

The minor whose name has been withheld to protect his identity was found guilty of the charges by Harare Magistrate Hoseah Mujaya.

The State led by prosecutor Netsai Mushayabasa said on January 14 and around 0800 hours the minor together with 300 other accused persons who are still at large gathered at Kamunhu Shopping center in Mabvuku disturbed the public’s security.

The minor who was armed with catapults and other weapons of mass destruction barricaded roads at the shopping center, throwing missiles at Choppies Supermarket, forced open the doors before they looted groceries.

The gang went on to throw missiles at various shops which were opening and providing services forcing them to join in in the shut down campaign fueling the violence and making commuters stranded together with private vehicle owners.

The violence led to the distraction of several buildings. The police who reacted to the violence managed to disperse the disgruntled demonstrators.