The Nelson Chamisa led-MDC Alliance has called for the suspension and arrest of top Ministry of Mines’ directors accused of misusing their positions to illegally acquire luxurious vehicles for a song.
This comes as President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s “new dispensation” has been preaching the anti-corruption mantra which appears to have been ignored by top government officials as the economy continues to tank due to rampant and unchecked corruption.
“It is unacceptable for the State to lose half a million US dollars to less than ten individuals who imported cars in the name of government only to change ownership in a blink of an eye,” MDC Alliance spokesperson Jacob Mafume said.
“These individuals park the imported vehicles and proceed to hire cars for daily duties yet the imported cars were supposed to serve that
purpose. Yet again, millions of public funds are lost in this hiring exercise.
“We expect Mnangagwa so-called corruption crack unit in his office to act and bring the culprit to book. in violation of the constitution, supposedly to intensify the fight against corruption.
“The crack unit is not only illegal and a waste of tax payer’s funds but clearly ineffective. If anything, corruption continues to blossom. A few weeks ago, a shocking announcement of resignation of the entire
anti-corruption commission was made with no details provided.” Mafume said it was concerning that such incidences are being exposed
in the absence of a very important Constitutional independent Commission.
“Sad to say, even in the presence of the said Commissions, they are
pacified, politicized, incapacitated and undermined by the military government,” Mafume said.
Last week the Zim Morning Post authoritatively and exclusively exposed the rot obtaining in the Mines ministry.
The scandal has sent social media into overdrive with a cross-section of people calling for immediate action from the Mnangagwa led-administration.
The latest vehicle scandal sucks in former permanent secretary Munesu Munodawafa and nine top directors.