Chitungwiza council scandal: How councillors, managers squandered thousands on workshop

On Wednesday we ran a story in which we reported that the elite members of Chitungwiza Town Council (CTC) converged in the gold rich town of Kadoma for a team building workshop and council is footing a bill running into hundred thousands of dollars in allowances for at least 50  participants.

This riled ratepayers who alleged that the council is neglecting  to deliver its mandate of service delivery while the residents are suffering and struggling to pay the bills.

The dormitory town is eyeing to attain city status but the powers be are not showing any commitment to achieve the prestigious status.

 Although the town’s public relations manager Lovemore Meya made an attempt to water down the actual figures of the hefty allowances given to participants, Zim Morning Post had sight of a schedule that stated how the funds were disbursed.  

 The money was squandered by councilors who were elected in 2018 to represent residents.

 Surprisingly some Residents Associations which claim to represent the people of Chitungwiza have joined the elite club gathering in Kadoma .

 Top council management were also part of the participants in this high budget team building workshop.

Questions have been raised on why the team building is being conducted in Kadoma while Chitungwiza has some hospitality facilities which have the capacity to host such activities.

“We are equally shocked on why the City Fathers and mothers decided to go and spend our money in Kadoma while we expect them to invest such amounts in our hospitality facilities,” said Tambudzai Macheka a Chitungwiza resident.

Impeccable sources told us that the half a million dollars will be channeled towards accommodation, meals and hefty allowances at a time the local authority recently complained of shoe string budgets and financial constraints.

The team that is currently enjoying the luxurious Kadoma team building workshop at the benevolence of the supposedly cash strapped council is comprised of ate least 50 participants drawn from management, councilors and cheery-picked residents associations.

 Documents seen by this publication shows that  councilors  are  entitled to RTGS$ 86 125, council employees are entitled to RTGS$ 96 120 while council workers representatives are walking away with at least RTGS$ 28 035 .

The exact figure which residents’ associations representatives are getting  is not recorded on the official papers.

Efforts to get a comment from Chitungwiza Public Relations Manager Lovemore Meya on the latest documents copies of which are in our possession hit a snag as he was not picking his mobile phone.