Cabinet resolves that section 40 which recognises civil partnerships be removed from the Marriage Bill.
“In light of our own Cultural and Christian values Zimbabwe Cabinet resolved that it be removed.” – Attorney General, Prince Machaya.
Machaya said marriage creates a status in in persons but when two people move and live together without marrying, the rights they have are the rights they have as individuals.
“Marriage creates a status in a person. When two people meet and get married , theirs status in law changes. They have a new status and that status comes with certain rights and obligations.”
“Now when two people just move and live together, the rights they have are the rights they have as individuals. Living together does not confer any additional rights on them,” he said.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Sibusiso Moyo claimed that the people who live together outside of marriages are considered to be in commercial arrangements hence they are supposed to be treated differently.
“People who decide to have commercial arrangements should be treated differently and that must not be brought into the marriage act,” he said.