Harare– Former president Robert Mugabe’s son-in-law Simba Chikore has been described as a violent and ‘bossy’ employer by one Bertha Zakeyo who is the complainant in the matter in which Chikore stands accused of unlawful detention.
Zakeo who was the head of the legal department at the airways was being cross examined by Chikore’s lawyer Jonathan Samukange, told the court that she had been unlawfully detained between noon and 14.00 hours and she could not call on any of the other employees to help her as Chikore ‘bossed’ everyone around.
“The defense council maintains that I was not detained because that is their duty and I on the other hand know the traumatic experience I went through,” she said.
“On the day in question when I was detained, three men whom I did not know together with two other security officers came into my offices and closed the door behind them. I asked the three other gentleman whom I did not know to produce their verification documents and they refused, at which point I became very scared for my life as I did not know what harm they intended to do on my person.
“The gang of security officers demanded that i read and sign the letter of termination which they gave me and leave the premises after surrendering the company phone. I could not however do that as surrendering the company phone meant I would have given up the incriminating evidence which had been communicated to me by Chikore through messages and I have long since sent that information to the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission.
“Although I was not gagged or tied down I could not ask anyone who was at the office that time because he, Chikore ‘bosses’ people around and when he says jump everyone including myself was compelled to ask how high. Because of his violent nature I had to try and appear strong to my detainers.”
Zakeyo was immediately ordered to apologise and not to attack Chikore’s character as it was character assassination and she was warned that Chikore through his lawyer intended to place charges against her as soon as the matter is finalised and Chikore is acquitted.
Chikore is appearing before Harare Magistrates Victoria Mashambafacing charges of unlawful detention not know and the matter has been rolled over to February 13 for trial continuation.
Chikore allegedly had Zimbabwe Airways legal head Bertha Zakeyodetained for two hours at the airline’s offices in June last year.
Chikore is jointly charged with Safeguard security guard SimbarasheMutimbe. The two are out on $30 bail.