Women of courage line up Mother’s Day celebrations

WWomen under the banner ‘Women of Courage’ will on Sunday host a luncheon at Bulawayo’s Rainbow hotel in celebrating Mother’s day, which will be celebrated on May 12.

One of the organisers Sinikiwe Dube Mutsure said the event is meant to celebrate mothers and also to give back to the society.

The event which is in its fourth year running has been sold out for Sunday and more than 200 mothers are expected to attend.

“We are a United Kingdom based group of women,  we coordinate Mother’s day celebrations for people in the diaspora and all women in Zimbabwe. I am not based in Zimbabwe and I know what many mothers go through, their children are distant and they can’t spend time with them even on special days like Christmas, mother’s day or birthdays.

“We are here to celebrate with them whether your children or family is living with you or not, we are want to give back the love that has been shown and continue being shown by these special women. We plan the day and do lots of fun activities with mothers in Bulawayo, have lunch and dance to music with them. We use some of the proceeds to donate to local charities,” she said.

Mutsure added that they are working with the goal of empowering the girl child.

“As women of courage we aim at empowering the females in the city and Zimbabwe at large through talking together, forging for business partnerships and also group engagements,”

The group has in the past helped inmates at Ingutsheni Psychiatric hospital with food stuffs, toiletries as part of their philanthropic projects.