Mliswa slams Malema for meddling in Zim politics

NORTON Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has condemned Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema for aligning himself with political factions in Zimbabwe.

In a recent tweet Mliswa said Malema has crossed the line .
“ As my brother and comrade @Julius Malema I celebrate and encourage your successes but where you cross the line I must be blunt” read his tweet. 

Mliswa was prompted to punch bag after a speech  made by Malema  in which he  attacked the government alleging  that they tormented Mugabe in the twilight of his life.

“She (Grace Mugabe) must protect President Mugabe ‘s legacy with everything against any form of opportunism which will want to ride behind the legacy of Mugabe even when they tormented him until the last day, “ said Malema.

Malema also accused government of disrespecting Mugabe by not following his last wishes.

“If the current dispensation believes in Mugabe they should protect his legacy part of protecting his legacy is first and far most to respect his last wishes and his family’s wishes, it is absolute nonsense to think that declaring a person a national hero takes away the right of the family to the deceased,” he said.

Meanwhile, Malema was recently condemned by the DA in court for allegedly using Mugabe’s quotes which labelled South African white minority as outcasts.