Chamisa wants dialogue but…..

MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa says he is committed to engage into dialogue with President Emmerson Mnangagwa on condition that the entry point of the talks should be on the results of the July 31 elections.

On Wednesday, Chamisa was conspicuous by his absence at State House where  political parties that fielded presidential candidates in the July 30, 2018 harmonised elections met Mnangagwa.

In an interview with this publication on Thursday morning, Chamisa said he did not attend because he believes the dialogue should be between him and Mnangagwa only because he was the only candidate who disputed the results.

“If there is any dialogue it should be between Chamisa and Mnangagwa.The elections were disputed and I  won an election.My attendance there would mean I acknowledge Mr Mnangagwa’s presidency,” he said.

He said all the other parties that took heed to Mnangagwa’s call for dialogue did not dispute the July 30 2018 election results.

“In any case those other parties had no qualms with the results and even if they (other parties) give their votes to Mnangagwa, I will still emerge the winner,” he added.

Meanwhile,21  representatives from the 23 political parties that contested in the July 30 elections attended Wednesday’s meeting at State House and  committed themselves to the principle of dialogue and working together to resolve challenges facing the country.