ZANU PF provincial youth league boss race hots up:Who is the front runner to replace Gomwe?

As the battle to replace Godwin Gomwe and his beleaguered Harare Youth League executive members a lot of names have been thrown in the ring , Zim Morning Post can reveal the names which have been thrown into the ring.

Tonderai Chidawa

Chidawa comes in the race as a dark horse since he is financially incapacitated to influence the structures by few resources compared to his counterparts in the race, Chidawa’s history back dates to his days as a students leader at Bindura University for Science Education where he Graduated with an Honours Degree in Peace and Governance, Chidawa was instrumental as a student leader as he managed to fight Gamatox in 2014, Chidawa was elected as Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union in 2015 and became a foot soldier for the Lacoste faction Until Emmerson Mnangagwa was fired from ZANU PF, 24 hours after the sacking of Mnangagwa Chidawa conducted a press conference telling the world that Mnangagwa was going to be back and lead the country in two weeks time .After the Press conference Chidawa had to go in hiding following tip offs that the deadly Robert Mugabe CIO was after him as he was facing charges of undermining the President and Act of Subversion a constitutionally elected government.

Nyasha Zenda

Zenda is a courageous party cadre who decided to face the MDC head on in Harare as a councilor, Harare is known as a stronghold of the MDC ALLIANCE , Zenda also lost some property including a bus to political violence which rocked Harare on 1 August 2018, However Zenda’s record in ZANU PF can be questionable since he inherited his District chairmanship from Jason Zhuwao a well known G40 youth.

Samuel Chikukwa

Chikukwa was very instrumental in fighting G40 and Gamatox, Chikukwa is very submissive to Zanu PF ,The only challenge which he has is him being accused of corruption of residential stands in Harare South Constituency , Chikukwa is also believed to be influential in Harare that influence might work in favor of him.

Kudakwashe Damson

Damson is the  former Political Commissar of the Harare Youth League but it is unfortunate that during his  tenure he used to create parallel structures in the party but this can not take away his prowess and skill of mobilising young people to rally behind ZANU PF and Mnangagwa.

Tinashe Maduza

The former Member of Parliament is a very good orator something which is needed for a young leader, his loyalty to Zanu PF cannot be questionable and this gives him an upper hand in this race, Maduza is well resourced but during his tenure as the legislator he lost touch with the people and this might work against him .