The recently appointed Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has read a riot act to the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) to improve on the rate of high profile cases convictions, Zim Morning Post can reveal.
Sources this week told the Zim Morning Post that the now ‘teethed’ anti-corruption body is going to hold a “no-holds-barred-meeting” with prosecutors in a move aimed at increasing the conviction rate of high profile corruption cases.
“Madam Loice (Matanda-Moyo) is in a no-nonsense mood, she told prosecutors to deliver because look here so many high profile corruption cases have been brought to the courts but prosecution is little to none,” opined our source.
The ZACC chair Loice Matanda –Moyo emphasized that their mandate is to ensure that high quality dockets with watertight evidence will go before the court hence prosecutors have no excuse to acquit suspects willy- nilly.
NPA boss Kumbirai Hodzi said with the evidence gathered in the graft matters, all those guilty of corruption will be convicted.
ZACC is determined to get an almost zero percent acquittal rate because of the thorough investigations.
Our source revealed that Matanda-Moyo envisages a situation where all the prosecutors are loyal to the anti-graft crusade.
Cabinet minister Priscah Mpfumira was the the first high profile victim. She was remanded in custody for 21 days.