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WATCH: Apostle Chiwenga claims menstruation is a sin in the Bible

WATCH: Apostle Chiwenga claims menstruation is a sin in the Bible

WATCH: Apostle Chiwenga claims menstruation is a sin in the Bible

A Zimbabwean preacher, Apostle Talent Chiwenga, has shocked many people following a video circulating on social media in which he claims that menstruation is a sin in the Bible. He goes on to quote a certain verse in the Bible to support his claims.

WATCH: Apostle Chiwenga claims menstruation is a sin in the Bible
WATCH: Apostle Chiwenga claims menstruation is a sin in the Bible

In a sermon titled “The Law of Menstruation”, Chiwenga says that women who are menstruating are unclean and should be separated from their husbands and the rest of society. He cites Leviticus 15:19-24, which states that “when a woman has a discharge of blood that is her regular discharge from her body, she shall be in her impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening… And if any man lies with her and her impurity falls on him, he shall be unclean seven days; and every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.”

Chiwenga argues that this law still applies to Christians today and that women who do not follow it are disobeying God and bringing curses upon themselves and their families. He also says that men who have sexual relations with menstruating women are committing adultery and will face God’s wrath.

Chiwenga’s views have sparked outrage and criticism from many people who accuse him of being ignorant, misogynistic and abusive. Some have pointed out that his interpretation of the Bible is selective and literal, ignoring the context and purpose of the Old Testament laws. Others have challenged him to explain how Jesus Christ, who was born of a woman, could be sinless if menstruation is a sin.

Chiwenga is not new to controversy. He is an outspoken street preacher and prominent critic of Zimbabwe’s government, who has fled his house following heightened surveillance of his church and home by people in unmarked vehicles. He has regularly used street sermons and social media platforms to openly rebuke Zimbabwe’s government for its gross human rights abuses, including arbitrary arrests, abductions, and torture of activists, rights defenders, and journalists.

The Zimbabwean authorities have labeled Chiwenga as an “enemy” and a “security threat” that should be “neutralized”. He has also been involved in car accidents that he believes were attempts on his life by security agents.

Chiwenga’s message about menstruation has raised questions about his credibility and motives as a preacher. Some have wondered if he is using religion as a tool to manipulate and control his followers. Others have questioned his mental health and sanity. Many have called for him to stop spreading false and harmful teachings that violate women’s dignity and rights.Below is a video that has left many with more questions than answers: