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Wangu Ane Hombe: Selmor Mtukudzi reveals her husband’s big secret

Wangu Ane Hombe: Selmor Mtukudzi reveals her husband’s big secret

Selmor Mtukudzi, the daughter of the late Zimbabwean music icon Oliver Mtukudzi, has made a funny remark about her husband Tendai Manatsa’s big feet and what they imply. She posted the comment on Facebook, in reply to a photo of Tendai’s new shoes. He wrote: “New shoes for the new year. Feeling blessed.” Selmor responded: “Wow babe those are nice shoes. But you know what they say about men with big feet right? I’m in trouble.”

The comment caused a lot of reactions from their fans, who found it amusing, surprising, and intriguing. Some complimented Selmor for being proud of her husband, while others joked with her for being cheeky. Some even wanted to know more about their private life.

Selmor and Tendai are both musicians and the children of two music legends. Tendai is the son of Zex Manatsa, while Selmor is the daughter of Oliver Mtukudzi, who passed away in 2019. They have been married since 2005 and have three children together. They have also worked together on several musical projects, such as two albums titled ‘Ndinewe— I am with You’ and ‘Tendai and Selmor Live’. They are both skilled singers and guitarists who have performed in various countries and festivals.

Selmor is famous for her songs such as ‘Nguva Yangu’, ‘Zvidikidiki’, and ‘I Am Woman’. She has also been involved in campaigns for gender equality and women empowerment. Tendai is famous for his solo album ‘Kudzoka Kwababa’ and his single ‘Ndichifema’ featuring rapper Stunner.

Wangu Ane Hombe: Selmor Mtukudzi reveals her husband’s big secret
Wangu Ane Hombe: Selmor Mtukudzi reveals her husband’s big secret

The couple has always shown their love and respect for each other on social media and in interviews. They have also faced some challenges in their marriage, such as the death of Selmor’s father and the COVID-19 pandemic that affected their income as artists.

However, they have always overcome their difficulties and supported each other. Their latest Facebook exchange shows that they also have a good sense of humor and are not shy to spice up their relationship with some playful teasing.