Sparks flew at parliament where the Grain Millers association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) was giving oral evidence over the procurement of wheat before the parliamentary portfolio on Lands, Agricultural, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement.
The Oral hearing had a false start after GMAZ leadership led by its chairperson Tafadzwa Musarara did not produce a copy of their constitution which was requested by the Committee led by the Gokwe Nembudziya Member of Parliament Justice Mayor Wadyejena.
The meeting was adjourned for close to one hour after Musarara requested to go and collect the constitution at their Eastlea offices.
Masarara later brought copies of the constitution which were shared with the committee but however the kickoff of the hearing suffered a still death.
The Committee requested documents which showed how the GMAZ was using forex which they got from Reserve bank of Zimbabwe between the period 1 January 2015 to 11 March 2019.
However, Musarara told the committee that GMAZ started receiving money in 2018 not in 2015.
“Hon Chair, we did not receive money from RBZ, money was sent through our financial advisers MetBank and Ecobank,” said Musarara.
After the submission the committee then requested for contacts of suppliers which GMAZ has contracts with but the millers said they had not brought the contacts.
GMAZ has since submitted its foreign currency expenditures and will only appear before the same committee on April 2 2019.
Sparks flew towards the end of the meeting when Wadyejena told Musarara not to go and report the issue to the Army and the CIO since it will not serve him anything.
“As a parting shot going to CIO or Army won’t help you,” said Wadyajena.
Asked for a comment Musarara said he does not know where the statement was coming from.
“I do not know where the statement was coming from as you all saw I was not given a chance to respond to that statement.”