Popular musician demands to meet Mnangagwa over deteriorating economy

  • Mnangagwa is being misled by crooks and liars – Chipanga

MUTARE – Outspoken musician cum politician Hosiah Chipanga has said
President Emmerson Mnangagwa is surrounded by crooks and liars who are cowardly misleading him, a result that has worsened the country’s social and economic situation.

In an interview with Zim Morning Post on Monday, Chipanga said he was distraught after failing to meet Mnangagwa to personally deliver his grievances over economic decline.

“Do you know that before (Mnangagwa) became the President of Zimbabwe he was humble enough to invite and chat with me in his office when he was the Minister of Defense,” said Chipanga.

“Our problem is not of our leaders but close jealous party members who are so close to him who will block people like me. Our President is surrounded by selfish crooks who are fake praise singers, feeding him with poisonous lies everyday protecting their selfish egos,” lamented Chipanga.

“Why and how on earth can a harmless and poor musician like myself be denied access to meet my President? There is too much bureaucracy. It is hard for some people to reach out to the top leadership. You will simply be denied the chance to do so,” he said.

Chipanga warned Mnangagwa might face the same predicament that saw former Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe resigning following unrelenting pressure.

Mugabe resigned following a military-assisted takeover in November 2017 bringing to an end 37 years of rule.

The resignation abruptly halted an impeachment hearing that had begun against him in Parliament.

Former vice-president Mnangagwa succeeded Mugabe, who has been in
power since 1980.

After being blocked to meet Mugabe on many occasions, outspoken
Chipanga is turning attention on Mnangagwa saying he should allow
dialogue with many stakeholders to rescue the failing nation.

“Agree or disagree, Mugabe was a good leader but he had bad party
followers who spoiled him by feeding him with lies. They made him a
dictator and unreachable,”
said Chipanga.

“So is Mnangagwa a good leader too but he is surrounded by crooks and liars who are making him not to face the reality. These people are
now busy spoiling him with a lot of lies and making unreachable to
some people like myself,”
he added.

“…Mugabe never listened to advice. He was misled by those who
surrounded him. But look at what happened to him. Maybe people might think I am mad but, he failed to listen to the voice of the
said Chipanga.

“I am also giving a word to President Mnangagwa to listen to other
voices, otherwise he might find himself in the same predicament that
saw Mugabe losing power,”
explained Chipanga.