Olinda Chapel Breaks Silence on Ex-Husband Stunner and Accuses Tytan’s Relatives in Jaw-Dropping Revelation
In a recent live video, Olinda Chapel shed light on the rumors surrounding her relationship with her ex-husband, Stunner, and made shocking accusations against Tytan’s relatives, her current husband. The Zimbabwean social media personality addressed the questions raised about why she invited Stunner to perform at her 40th birthday celebration.
Divorce Due to Infidelity
During the live video, a relative asked Olinda why she had invited Stunner, despite their past relationship issues. Olinda revealed that the reason for their divorce was Stunner’s infidelity. He had cheated on her with another woman and fathered a child during that affair.
No Use of Juju
Olinda clarified that despite Stunner’s betrayal, he had never resorted to using juju (a form of witchcraft) on her. The accusation of juju was directed towards her current husband, Tytan, and his relatives.
Accusations Against Tytan and Relatives
Olinda expressed her belief that Tytan and his relatives had used juju on her. She stated that while she was willing to forgive Stunner for his actions, she could not overlook what she believed Tytan and his family were doing to her. Olinda emphasized that her blood and juju were incompatible.
Silent Suffering
Olinda revealed that she had discovered the presence of juju in her house back in February. Despite her knowledge, she chose to remain silent about it. She expressed her frustration with people who try to dictate how she should live her life, particularly during her moments of hardship.
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A Personal Battle
Olinda made it clear that she prefers to handle her struggles independently, without interference from others. She emphasized that she does not appreciate being preached to about how she should live her life.
“I don’t like people that come and preach to me and tell me kuti I should live a certain type of life, because when I’m suffering, I’m suffering by myself,” stated Olinda.
The Revelations Continue
Olinda Chapel’s live video has sparked a new wave of discussions and speculations on social media.
Tinashe Chikazaza:
You cant interfer or judge in peoples relationships cz only 2 patners knows wht they go through when they are together.
Simbarashe Peter Mpofu:
Justice yei🤣🤣🤣
He chose to Perish
Dear Men never ignore Sir Savior Shadaya’s teachings
Emmanuel Zellers Gumbo:
Millions of thanks to Prof Shadaya. We are proud alumnus of the Shadaya School of Ideology. Long Live and more wisdom to you Prof!
Honor Janasi:
Always proving Shadhaya right🤣
Neshangwe Munembire:
Haaaa vafana vanoudzwa kuti siyanai nazvo but hamunzwi….zvakatadzikwa nevamwe varume vane chitsama iwewe pwere zvako woti ndozvigona….uchinzi une maturity 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bigman Nzombe:
Panotaura Shadhaya iye taitani anenge achiposta hake nekwakewo kunge akufara
Madeline Gonyora:
Ring is down and out 🤣🤣🤣🤣saka muchato uya wakangofanana newema cos 🤔🙄
Margaret Wooltorton:
Olinda do what makes you happy your life and yours only .if it’s Dziva then let it be