BULAWAYO – Bulawayo Mayor David Coltart has acknowledged the city’s deteriorating road network, blaming decades of neglect and inadequate funding.
In a Facebook post on 27 January, Coltart said the recent rains had exposed the poor state of Bulawayo’s roads, which require an estimated US$15 million annually for maintenance. He highlighted that the Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA), which controls car license fees previously managed by the city, provided less than US$3 million last year — and in Zimbabwe dollars.
“Virtually everything required to maintain roads is imported, from Caterpillars to asphalt to diesel,” Coltart wrote. He promised to meet ZINARA’s CEO to push for an increased allocation for Bulawayo.
Coltart praised city engineers for working with limited resources but warned that substantial progress would be impossible without additional funds.
“I cannot perform miracles,” he said, noting that the poor road conditions also affect his own home and law firm.