Breaking: ZESA Board fired

Energy minister Fortune Chasi has fired the entire Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (Zesa) board for failure to carry out its mandate, the Zim Morning Post has learnt.

In an interview with this publication Chasi said he had a chance to review the board’s minutes and discovered that it lacked appetite to resolve problems at the power utility company.

I looked at the minutes and discovered that the board spent much time on peripherial issues instead of dealing with real issues affecting Zesa,” said Chasi.

There is evidence of no planning in carrying out their mandate and I found it fit to relieve the entire board of their duties.

We have a crisis and I expected the board to be handling such but instead they dwell on none key issues.”

Chasi also said the entire board failed to deal with recommendations in the Zesa audit which exposed a lot of rot.

The board sat on the audit and nothing was being done to implement the recommendations in the audit,” he said.

For Zesa to be transformed it requires men and women who are capable of thinking outside the box and the ministry is now busy looking for such people.”